Download Old Versions Of Firefox For Mac Step 2 The page lists old versions and their modification dates, including versions that are quite outdated. Navigate to the Web page that contains old Firefox versions (link in Resources).
If you'd like to replace your existing Firefox with an older version, you can easily download and install one from Mozilla's archived programs Web page. For example, you might have a business tool add-on that works only in older Firefox versions, or you may want to install a previous version if a new one has problems. However, some people may still prefer to use older Firefox versions.
Mozilla, Firefox's creator, cautions computer users that reverting to old versions of the browser exposes them to security risks.
To restore a Time Machine backup that was created on a different Mac, use Migration Assistant. To get the correct build, reinstall macOS or upgrade to a later version of macOS. If your Mac won't start up from a compatible version of macOS, it might require a specific build of that version. To find out whether your Mac is compatible with a later version of macOS, check the system requirements: The version of macOS that came with your Mac is the earliest version compatible with that Mac. Which Mac operating systems are compatible? Firefox older version free download - Older, Older, Mozilla Firefox, and many more programs. Mozilla Firefox for Mac is a fast, full-featured Web browser.The app includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google, Yahoo and Bing search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online. The image on your display appears to shrink, has black bars around it, or appears tinted. The fans in your Mac are louder, because they're spinning faster. You don't hear any sound from your Mac. Your Mac doesn't respond to your trackpad, mouse, or keyboard. You see a message that you're using an unsupported or incorrect version of the Mac operating system. Your Mac doesn't finish starting up, or displays a prohibitory symbol at startup. If you try to start up your Mac from a hard disk, network volume, or Time Machine backup that contains an incompatible version or build of macOS, you might experience one or more of these symptoms: Download Old Versions Of Firefox For Mac.